This recipe is devised by Paul Watters –  author of “Simple Tasty Healthy by PW”


1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tsp butter

4 potatoes (peeled and diced into chunks)

2 carrots (peeled and diced into chunks)

1 onion (peeled and chopped fine)

500mls (chicken stock) fish and chicken work excellent together

2 tbsp dried dill

200g seafood mix

2 salmon filets (cut into chunks)

2 smoked haddock filets (cut into chunks)

250mls cream

100ml milk

4 tbsp flat leaf parsley coarsely chopped

  1. Heat up the oil and butter in a saucepan. Pop in the onion, carrot, potato and dill.
  2. Stir continuously for about 5 mins.
  3. Pour over the stock, bring to a simmer, pop on the lid and cook for 15mins.
  4. Remove the lid, add in the fish, cream and milk.
  5. Allow to simmer (NOT BOIL) SIMMER for 5 /8 mins until the fish is cooked.
  6. Add in the chopped parsley
For more of Pauls recipes and foodie tips, visit his Facebook page: https: or email: