November 2020: Ireland’s Home of the Rotisserie started out life back in 2009. Skip forward 11 years and Poulet Bonne Femme are reaching new heights and expanding yet again. Starting from scratch selling free-range chickens 6 days a week from a trailer at local farmers markets, the company partnered with one of Ireland’s most iconic and best loved stores Avoca, where they now have six outlets. The Poulet Bonne Femme (PBF) brand has truly become an irresistible Irish label to love.
Innovation was the key to success for many in the food business during our last Lock-Down. In this spirit, Poulet Bonne Femme now have their new delivery service and app, up and running. You can order from their stores in Ballsbridge and Monkstown and get delivery direct to your door – perfect for the next six weeks whilst we are in Level 5. With delivery available up to a 7km radius from each store, almost all of Dublin City is covered. It means customers can order and get delivery 7 days a week between 12pm – 6pm.
Customers can choose from a wide variety of options and get PBF delivered within the hour. The team at Poulet Bonne Femme know that feeding the family every day can be a bit of a drag, so the delivery service provides the ideal choice for a tasty, nutritious, and healthy family dinner without the fuss. Via the new app, you can now order your whole rotisserie chicken, roast potatoes, salads, and sides. There really is no easier way to get fed!
Speaking on the launch of the app, owner Sara Mitchell said, “As a working mum myself, I know how hard it can be to stay on top of everything, especially in the middle of a pandemic. We wanted to make the lives of our customers that little bit easier. I believe what we have done with our ‘At Home’ range really accomplishes that. Healthy, nutritious and great tasting food for all the family to enjoy, delivered fast to your door.”
If you are on the lookout for an easy lunch when working from home, their delicious meal deals are the perfect option, whether you choose their tasty and fresh sandwiches or whole rotisserie chicken with sides, salad, and fresh French baguette. Cannot decide which sides to go for? No problem! Each meal can be easily customised with their handy ‘ad on’ feature meaning you can taste a bit of everything!
Operations Manager Justin Cassidy, who was responsible for the roll-out of the app said, “Defying the odds, we have managed to grow our customer base during the last few months and have created new jobs with the delivery arm of the company. Unfortunately, we are here again with Level 5 but this time we are ready and are confident that we will come out of this pandemic bigger, stronger and more resilient than ever.”
We do not want to mention the ‘C’ word too early, however, with December 25th fast approaching Poulet Bonne Femme have opened their book for orders. Christmas time at PBF HQ sees whole roasted Free-Range bronze turkeys and honey roast hams available to take home and enjoy with the entire family – perfect for those of us who prefer to leave the cooking to the professionals. So, why not treat someone you think deserves to put their feet up on December 25th, to the PBF festive offering. Boned and rolled, rotisserie cooked turkey delivered direct to the door. In addition, this festive season they will launch their very own Christmas Box in the coming weeks.
This box is the perfect way to show gratitude and appreciation to staff who have been working from home over the last few months, to thank clients for their custom, for corporate gifting, or indeed to just simply let someone know you are thinking of them this Christmas.
Order now on
• Large Irish free-range Bronze Turkey €105 (cooked, feeds 8 -10)
• Regular Irish free range Bronze Turkey €75 (cooked, feeds 6 -8)
• Irish honey roast ham €85 (feeds 10 -15)
• Gratin potatoes €5.95 – serves 2 generously
• PBF Mash potatoes €5.95 – serves 2 generously
• PBF Stuffing – €5
Poulet Bonne Femme
Open 7 days a week | Download the APP now
Delivery up to 7km from Ballsbridge & Monkstown locations
Monkstown | Ballsbridge | Rathcoole | Dunboyne | Kilmacanogue
Suffolk Street (currently closed due to restrictions).
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