M&S is excited to announce the launch of its Little Garden campaign, a collectable set of 12 different seedling kits, made up of flowers, vegetables and herbs, for families to collect and grow.  And who better to trial it than M&S brand ambassador, Peter O’Mahony and his children Indie (aged 3) & Theo (aged 18 months).

Little Garden aims to get little ones (and big ones!) excited about collecting, growing and nurturing their very own plants, exploring where our all-important food comes from and spending time together as a family.

Between the 26 February and 14 April, customers will receive one free seedling kit with every €25 or more spent in store, containing seeds, soil and pot so you can get growing straight away. There is also a selection of adorable gardening accessories that families will be able to purchase, including a Little Garden Watering Can (€4) and a Little Garden Tool Set (€4).

Your little seed sowers can also pop onto the M&S website to interact with a host of helpful growing tips from the M&S Gardening Expert Lee Connelly, plus lots of downloadable creative activities to keep them entertained while they grow their seedling collection, as well as educational information on where their food comes from.

To show off your own little garden make sure to #mylittlegarden and see how all the M&S Little Gardens are growing!


