Hartley’s Restaurant

Opening Hours

September/October opening hours:

Mondays & Tuesdays: Closed

Weds & Thurs: Dinner from 5pm

Friday, Saturday & Sunday; All day from 12.30pm

Contact Details

1 Harbour Road,

Dun Laoghaire,

Co Dublin

t: 01 280 6767 

w: hartleys.ie

sm: facebook: Hartley’s Restaurant  |   instagram: hartleysrestaurant

Restaurant Location


Dining In Dublin is Dublin’s unique restaurant menu guide – this guide gives you the freedom to choose where you want to dine, what you want to eat and how much you want to spend.

We are very proud of the high quality and standard of the dining experience in Dublin and we are sure that this guide will help you discover Dublin’s many culinary treasures. 

It is advisable to make a reservation at the restaurant of your choice to avoid disappointment.

Please like our Facebook page for daily restaurant updates, competitions and much more at www.facebook.com/diningindublin 

Finally, if you found this guide helpful, we would be grateful if you mention us when making a reservation.


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