– Beautiful Outdoor Dining facilities in the Courtyard in Donnybrook –

We are open from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive from 1pm for Lunch and Dinner.

Covered and heated with warm blankets – the works to keep our customers comfortable!




Watch this video to see how beautiful our Courtyard is:



We have the Space to Keep you Safe.

We’ll have the steaks sizzling, the wine cooling, the tunes playing and the usual Marco’s vibe! To ensure the comfort and safety of our customers and staff, we have installed Hygiene  Barrier Technology to all non absorbent surfaces.  Once applied, this product cleans, seals and is Guaranteed to protect against COVID19, and all known Bacteria for 6 MONTHS.

All surfaces – door handles, bar surfaces, chairs and tables, touch screens, bathroom surfaces and all appliances have been treated and secured.

#eatoutsafely @ MPW Courtyard  


1 Belmont Ave,


Dublin 4

Tel: 01 551 0555

