The Keep ‘er Lit Box allows you to choose from some of Ireland’s favourite food products
August 2020: The last few months have been tough for many of us due to Covid-19 and there are times when we could all do with a little something to brighten up our day. Luckily, the creators of The Paddy Box, the famous box of Irishness that ships to over 100 countries worldwide, has come up with the perfect little something to raise a smile with the introduction of The Keep ‘er Lit Box.
The Keep ‘er Lit Box is the perfect gift to send to a friend or loved one in Ireland or abroad to encourage them to keep going and ‘Keep ‘er Lit’ over the coming months. The new box allows you to choose from your favourite choice of crisps, soft drink and tea while also containing plenty of favorites from The Paddy Box range including a selection of traditional, old style sweets, Cadburys chocolate fingers and a McCambridges soda bread mix so you can whip up your own fresh batch of the delicious Irish staple.
Commenting of the launch of the new product, Founder of The Paddy Box, Mark Loftus said, “ As a small Irish business owner, I’m so proud of how Irish people have rallied together during Covid-19 and I wanted to release something to encourage folks to keep the head up, keep moving ahead and essentially in the most Irish way of all, to ‘Keep ‘er Lit’. We have created our newest box by combining our best-selling items sold during lockdown. This box also has a twist as you get to choose your favourite Irish staples from the Paddy Box selection, so you can tailor it for whoever you are sending it to, making it more personal to them.”
The Paddy Box currently ships to the EU in 1 working day. Standard shipping to the US is 2-3 working days and NYC is 1 working day. Shipping to Canada is 2-3 working days. Shipping to Australia currently varies.
Shipping within Ireland is currently free.
The Keep ‘er Lit Box is priced at €49.95 and is available at Delivery charges start at €3.00 up to €18 depending on the country.
New ‘Keep ‘er Lit’ Paddy Box Contains:
1. Choice of Crisps (Choose from Tayto Cheese & Onion 6 pack, Salt & Vinegar 6 pack, Meanies 6 pack, Mighty Munch 6 pack)
2. Choice of Soft Drink (Choose from Club Orange, Rock Shandy, Lucozade)
3. Choice of Tea (Barry’s Tea, Lyons)
4. Cadbury Wispa 4 pack
5. Cadbury Fingers
6. Old School Sweets (10 items – Flump, Refresher, Stinger, Wham, Macaroon, Chewits, Drumstick, Kola lolly, Love Hearts, Dib Dab)
7. Bisto
8. McDonnells Spice Bag mix & McDonnells Curry sauce mix
9. McCambridges Soda Bread mix